Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Management is not an Exact Science

According to Peter F.Drucker,
1: Management deals with people and it is very difficult to predict there behaviour accurately since it is a social process therefore management cannot be considered as an exact science.
2: Human Behaviour Cannot be subjected to laboratory experiments.
3: Business is a dynamic activity, business situations and conditions keeps on changing therefore theories can be failed.
4:Mgt  principles do not have universal applicability since there applications and rules has to be modified according to given situation.
5: Business has to honour social ethics, norms, values no one can ignore these. Business has to follow ethics before principles.
6: Methods of observations followed by mgt are not cent percent since the human element which is involved in it can never be treated as constant.
7: Sometimes it is very difficult to establish cause & effect relationship as in chemistry and Physics.
8: Relatively few managers are trained and experienced some of them even don't know the principles of the management.
According to Earnest Dale," Management is a Soft Science."